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Chennai Lions thrashes Dabang Delhi 8-1 | Table Tennis News | Sports247live

Here is the Chennai Lions squad for Ultimate Table Tennis. After both nail-biting semi-finals, the final proved a one-sided game as Lions dominates with 8-1 triumph and claimed the trophy in the Ultimate Table Tennis league.

Chennai Lions giving the best for the final, there was very minimum Dabang Delhi could do. After both semifinals pro, the final proved a one-sided game as Lions dominates with 8-1 triumph and claimed the trophy in the Ultimate Table Tennis league. Sathiyan, who lost all six games he featured in. His 0-3 loss to Tiago Apolonia was truly affecting for Dabang. Thereafter, Sharath Kamal and Petrissa Solja nailed it 3-0 in mixed doubles by beating Sathiyan and Bernadette Szocs. That decided the titles “Last night, I said we beat the best team (Goa Challengers) in the semifinals to be here. And that confidence showed in our performance,” said Sharath who was not required to play his singles. “Dabang is a one-man team and once Tiago produced a beauty to blank Sathiyan, I knew we could finish it with mixed doubles,” said Sharath.