The 5th South Asian Karate Championship successfully concluded at Dhaka, Bangladesh from 8th to 9th November 2019 with the participation of 240 athletes from India, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Nepal and Bhutan.
Mr Bharat Sharma- President, South Asian Karate-Do Federation welcomed and garlands the representatives of SAF countries and officials.
Indian National Karatê team under the Presidentship of KAI President Mr Likha Tara, General Secretary Mr Ambedkar Gupta and treasurer Mr Premjit Sen participated and by splendid performance, Indian team bagged 31 Gold, 9 Silver and 10Bronze.
The tournament was inaugurated by Mr.Bharat Sharma President of SAKF along with Dr.Md.Mozammel Haque Khan President Bangladesh Karate Federation and Commissioner Anti Corruption Commission Bangladesh and other dignitaries
A newly elected body of South Asian Karate-Do Federation headed by Mr.Bharat Sharma President and Moazzim Hussain General Secretay has done a splendid job to make this event a grand success
President of SAKF Mr.Sharma has given his utmost effort to make this event in a unique way
Mr.Sharma “For me, karate is everything as a President I wave off the entry fees first time and give all the possible benefits to the players and make this international event memorable “
Mr.Abdul Karim Momen Foreign and external minister visited in the closing and prize distribution ceremony.
Overall Champion India and
Runner up was Bangladesh
In this championship.
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