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Premjit Sen make India Proud | Indian Sports News | Sports247live

Hanshi Premjit Sen has started this new year 2020 by bringing another glory for India and by adding another feather in his cap as well as in the karate cap of our country. 1st January 2020 will be marked in history as this day a new committee was formed
in Ishikawa, Japan.

In this commitee selected grand masters all across the world have been chosen to be a part with the desire to take karate to next level. It is a news of immense pride that from India Hanshi Premjit Sen has been selected to be the 1st General Secretary of the Association, holding the office in West Bengal from where all the administrative work shall be executed.

Very few masters have probably been able to reach to this level of respect through their work in the field of karate when in such an international body, someone from India have been elected for such reputed and responsible post. We all are well aware of the fact that karate is a heritage sport of Japan and they are men of discipline. Also, they are very reserver in their culture AMD restricted to themselves when it comes to management in their sport karate. This is a huge matter of pride that an Indian has been selected and included in their association for running administration and also for taking valuable decisions for promotion of karate. All Indians should be extremely proud of this great achievement of Hanshi Premjit Sen.