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Karate Association of India (KAI) headed by Mr. Likhatara as President, Mr. Ambedkar Gupta as General Secretary, Mr. Premjit Sen | India Karate News | Sports247live

Karate Association of India (KAI) headed by Mr. Likhatara as President, Mr. Ambedkar Gupta as General Secretary, Mr. Premjit Sen as the Treasurer and Mr. Viraf Vatcha as the Vice President had a very fruitful meeting for the development of Indian Karate with

Golden Moments in #WKF Premiere League at #Dubai
With Mr.Antonio Espinos President World Karate Federation
Mr.Toshihisa Nagura General Sectetary World Karate Federation
Major General Mr.Nasser Alrazoozooqi President Asian Karate Federation
Mr. Kuong Im Che General Secretary Asian Karate Federation in WKF Premiere League 2020 held in Dubai.

The meeting was very successful and WKF President, Mr. Antonio Espinos has showed his full support for the same. Two candidates from India, Mr. Kalpesh Makwana and Mr.Haridas had appeared in WKF Kata Judge B Exam and they have successfully qualified in it. The event was a huge success and a lot of discussions have been done with all foreign delegates with a view of bringing further modifications in our sport.