
Sports News

Shootball Virtual meeting

Shootball National General Body Virtual Meeting held on Sunday 20th June 2021 in Presence of Mr. Saurabh Vetal Secretary General of Shootball Sports Association of India The meeting has Below Agendas
*Celebration for Shootball sport included in School Games Federation of India
*New Affiliated units Introduction
*Preparation for Including Shootball sport in All India University Sports Calender
*Discussion on Organising National Championships
*Discussion on organising National Refree Clinic
*Discussion on How to develop Shootball in All Respective States and Uts
*For Registration of Each Units as per MYAS compliance
*Further Development of Beach Shootball sport
*Appointment of Zone Directors for All 5 Zones
And Discussed other points with permission of Chair
In This Meeting Representative 17 State & Units were present for discussed all above points , All information given by Mr. Saurabh Secretary General of SSAI, All Points were Respectively passed by Executive General Body and on End of Meeting Mr. Saurabh Gave vote of thanks to All excutives